

I'm here testing this new cool 7 string prototype by Odes Guitars. Check out / for more info.


Here's my solo for the Jared Dines solo contest:


I'm gonna be performing at the Rock the Waves cruise on 18.1.2025. See you there!


I'm proud to announce that I'm going to working as a judge in the upcoming Timor-Leste Guitar Contest.


Happy 2025 friends!

Gina Carrillo made an amazing review of my tour in Mexico. You can read it here:


Merry Christmas everybody!

So I did this fantastic tour in Mexico. Here's is a vlog of this adventure. Check it out!


I did a great interview on Niku Fingers podcast. You can the the chat here:


I'm going to doing a big concert in Kulttuuritalo Virta, Imatra on 11.1.2025. You can already buy the tickets here:


I made this cool video with Tampereen Musiikki.

Spira Guitars brings hi-end specced guitars available at a new exciting price range. Find all the details of these guitars here:


I was playing 4 shows on the Retroristeily 13 in 2024. I had a great time during this two day cruise so check it out how it went.


I'm here recording the solos for the upcoming album by Circus Of Rock. It will be a great album with Mark Boals (Yngwie Malmsteen) on vocals.


This is Samuli Federley Band performing Overture 1928 by Dream Theater at the Rock & Blues Music Festival in Prizren Kosovo in 2023. I hope you like our version.


This is my latest song called Stellaris. I'm using my signature Namuai acoustic guitar here. I hope you like it!


We did a great show with @millenniumprojectofficial9471 at Dipoli, FI on the fall of 2024. Here's a little recap video of that show.


This is my 5th and last demo video for Jet Guitar and Tampereen Musiikki. This song is called Red Vision.


I played the guitars and drums for the latest Might of God single. Check it out here:


I played solos for the upcoming single by Nils Ursin called Folks With High Expectations. It will be released on 25.10. Stay tuned!


I’m excited to announce this fresh line-up for Circus of Rock!The band is lead by the drum maestro Mirka Leka Rantanen (Raskasta Joulua, Thunderstone).

Rest of the band is:
On vocals the legendary Mark Boals (Yngwie Malmsteen, Dokken, Ted Dugent)
On guitars Samuli Federley (solo artist, IceEye, Coldbound) and Vesa Virtanen (Ponies to Kill, Twilight Guardians)
On keyboards Jari Pailamo (King Company, Kiuas)
On bass JJ Hjelt (Kenziner).

I had an honour playing on the 2nd Circus of Rock album and right now we are recording the next album.The band’s third album is set to be released in the summer of 2025 via Lions Pride Music. See you on the road in 2025.


I made this demo song called Jet Fire for Jet Guitars. This model is called JS-45 Fireburst. Thanks to Tampereen Musiikki for sending this to me.


I made this demo video of a JS-507 by Jet Guitars. It's a great guitar and see the specs here:


This is my solo for the Stel Andre guitar solo contest. I hope you dig it!


Huge news!I’m excited to announce that I’m going to be doing a tour in Bhutan in October 2024.
What makes this super special is that I will be the first Finnish artist ever touring in this beautiful country located in the Himalajan mountains.
I’m going to perform at the Hidden Kingdom World Music festival and also at two other shows. The dates will be 18.-20.10.2024.Sponsored by Tampereen Musiikki


Here's yet another solo with a killer backing track by Tramaine.


Nevermore is a song by an artist called Sadnos from Azerbaijan. I made the vocals for this song and I also mized and mastered it. I hope you like it.

Check out Sadnos's channel: / @user-wf3kr9tk1n


This is my solo for a yet another cool solo contest by JTC.


The new album by Parashyne is out. The album is called Calibration and I played all the guitars on the album. Visit here for more info:


Here's my tour vlog from my latest trip to Kosovo.


This is my demo video for a wireless guitar system called WX501 by Swiff Audio.


This is the new music video by Parashyne called It All.


This is my unpacking video for Swiff Audio. They sent me this cool digital wireless system and the model is WX501.


On Friday starts my tour in Kosovo. My first show is at the MotoFest, Prizren.


New shows added to the shows page-


I made a guitar cover of this nice song called Fireflies by Owl City.


This is the latest music video by Parashyne. I played all the guitars for this track called Beehive. Full album coming soon.


I did this group interview with Sparky's Top Talent Promotions.


Recently I've been recording an album for a Romanian artist. My instructions for this song were to come up with a crazy solo. So here I go. I hope you like it.


Happy Sunday people!
I'm excited to do a full concert at the beautiful venue called Kulttuurikellari in Savonlinna, Finland. I'm going to be playing lot's classical material like Vivaldi and also my epic guitar tunes. I'll also include an acoustic set so you don't wanna miss this show.

You can get the tickets here:


I made vocals for this song called Nevermore. It's by an artist from Azerbaijan called Sadnos and you can hear the full song here: • Sadnos - Nevermore (With Samuli Feder...

I also mixed and mastered this song.


This is Samuli Federley Band performing the legendary song by Joe Satriani called Crystal Planet. The show took place in Prizren Rock & Blues Festival in Kosovo 2023.


I'm happy to announce that I'll have two shows next summer at the Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival in Kosovo. I'll be playing there with the Menan Kiseri band and with Bon Jovi Experience. The dates are 4.-6.7.2024


This is a solo I came up with for a contest by Radio Rock.


I came up with this solo over a cool backing track by Scar Symmetry. I tried to combine melodic lines with some technical elements. I hope you like it.


You can buy tickets to my concert in Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari on 8.6. here:

On the show you will hear my best performances with an 8 string electric guitar and 7 string acoustic guitar.


I'll be presenting some cool new Taisto guitars at the Tonefest, Helsinki. Come to say hi at the Taisto Guitars booth on 18.5.


Here's a nice reaction video of the latest Renegade Angel song by Power Metal Ranger.


I recorded all the guitars for the latest Renegade Angel - ep. This is my solo from a song called Soldiers of Misfortune.


This is a energetic solo I recorded over a cool Scar Symmetry backing track. I hope you like it!


I played guitars on an ep called Jokesters from a band called Renegage Angel. You can listen to the album here:


Lately I've been recording lots of solos for different artists. Here's one version of one of the solos. I hope you like it.


This song is originally called Nick Saley feat Ikonnya - Angelic. I just love the vibe in this song so I added my guitars to it.


This is me performing G Minor Bach in Music China 2023 in Shanghai.


I made a cover of this beautiful song called Kolele Mai from Timor-Leste.


I did an interview with Finnradio in Finnish. Check it out here:


This is my vlog from my tour in Algeria few weeks ago.


I'm doing an online guitar clinic on Fri 23.2.2024 to Dili, Timor-Leste. It's very interesting to be holding a clinic to the other side of the world.


Here's an interview I did with the legendary Redouane from Algeria. You can read it here:


My Algerian tour is happily over. During the tour I did this interview with the legendary Algerian metal singer Redouane Aouameur.


Here's me playing Mediterranean Sundance by Al Di Meola on my show in Helsinki.


This is the solo section from Jump during my show in Himos Areena.


This is my solo on this cool contest by the band Unprocessed. I hope you like it.


I'm happy to announce that I've partnered with the Golden Management Finland. My new manager will take this adventure of mine to new hights. Lot's of cool thing are happening in 2024. Stay tuned!


Here's my version of Shape of the heart by Sting. I'm using here my 7 string Ortega nylon string acoustic.


Here's my solo on The Biggest Shred Collab Song In Finland. This collab was organized by the Finnish guitar prodigy Juho Ranta-Maunus.


Happy new year guys!

Big news! I'm gonna be doing a tour in Mexico in September 2024. More info about this later.


My first show in 2024 will be at Barbar, Tallinn, Estonia on 13.1.2024. See you there!


This is my version of Training Montage from Rocky movie. I was touring in South Korea and had an honour to perform in a famous channel called Goni TV where I played this song as well some other tunes.


This is me performing Flight Of The Bumblebee live at Voimala 1889 in Oulu, Finland, 2023.


I played this acoustic solo for the upcoming album by Nils Ursin. I hope you like it.


I'm really excited to announce I'm doing an Algerian tour in January 2024. Details coming soon!


This is an orchestral section from my new single Drifting Away.


I'm happy to present you my new single called Drifting Away. You can find it from every streaming services.


I've recording guitars for an upcoming album by Nils Ursin. It will be an awesome album. Here's one solo from the recording sessions.


This is my demo for the Xvive U2 wireless guitar system. For more info please visit


This is my entry to the Jared Dined Big Shred 6 Contest 2023. I hope you like my solo.


Tuomittuna Kulkemaan is a Finnish song often performed by Vesa-Matti Loiri. This is my version of the song played live at Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari, Finland.


I did an interesting interview with Power Metal Ranger. You can check it out here:


I had an amazing trip to Shanghai to perform at the Music China exhibition. I was performing for companies Auriga Guitars, Namuai Guitars, Sound Hunter and Xvive.
This is my vlog of the trip.


Xvive T9 in is an excellent in-ear monitor system. This is my demo of this product.


This is me performing my original song called Night Demon in Music China 2023. The event was held in Shanghai, China and I was performing at Auriga Guitars Booth. They are superb guitars so check them out!


I'm honoured to present you this awesome collab video with the amazing Japanese guitarist Shinichi Kobayashi and the masterful South Korean guitarist Kim Jaeha. I hope you like our solo collaboration.


I've been recording guitars for the upcoming album of a band called Renegade Angel. We made a music video for a song called Jokesters. Check it out!


Here's my interview I did with Rock Hard Italy. It's one of the biggest metal oriented magazines so check it out.


Steve Vai is one of my biggest heroes and I've also loved his acoustic playing a lot. This is a fantastic piece from his album Fire Garden. I hope you like my version of this cool song.


This is my solo from a cool upcoming collab video.


Here's a short trailer of our sold out show with Millennium Project at Bimmer Party, Kalajoki, 2023.


Big news!I’m super excited to announce that I’ve been invited to perform at Music China expo, Shanghai in October 2023. I’m gonna be performing there on various booths and stages so let’s begin the practicing.


This is SF band full show at Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival in Kosovo 2023.
Guitars: Samuli Federley

Bass: Jere Lehto

Drums: Jesse Lehto

Keys: Vili Ollila


We did a wonderful show at Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival in Kosovo, 2023. This is us performing my song called Nyctophilia from my latest album Stormylized.


This piece is composed by Luo Ni and it's a modification of Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude in C minor from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1 (BWV 847).

I hope you like my take on it.


This is me performing Autumn by Vivaldi at Kulttuurikellari, Savonlinna. It was a great venue and a fantastic show.


We did a fantastic show at the Radio Nova Festival in Finland 2023. Check out this recap video.


Samuli Federley Band did a wonderful show at Prizren Rock & Blues Music Festival in June, 2023. In the audience we had about 6000 people and it was an excellent event.


This is me performing Cactus Rider during my show in Fort Bar, Estonia, 2023.


This is me recording a solo for an upcoming album by Ilari Hämäläinen. The album will be released later in 2023.


This is my take on the Per Nilsson's Guitar Messenger solo contest. I hope you like it.


This is Sofia Ahjoniemi on accordion and me covering the Strom by Vivaldi. This piece is the last part of Vivaldi's Summer from Four Seasons.


I did a wonderful tour in Kosovo in 2023 with my band. The main show was at the Prizren Rock & Blues Music festival in Kosovo.


This is clip of me playing the solo part of Guitar Kungfu during my record release show in On The Rocks - Kallio, Helsinki, Finland.


This is a friendly battle between accordion and guitar. The song is called Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky Korsakov. Check it!


This is my cover of this great Korean. The song is called 내사랑 내곁에 (My love, by my side) and the original version is sang by 김현식 (Kim Hyunsik).


The new Circus Of Rock album by Mirka Rantanen is now out. I played all the guitars on a song called Sunrise. On vocals we have the legendary Bernie Shaw of Uriah Heep. The album is now on 1st place in the charts.


I've recording solos for the new Ilari Hämäläinen album.

Here's one of the solos.


I made a cover of War by Vince DiCola. It's from the Rocky IV soundtrack and I hope you like my version.


I did an interview with Radio Helsinki on a show called Kuusikielinen Taivas. You listen to the whole interview in here:


This is my show at the No Mercy Festival in Seoul, South Korea, 2022. It was such a fantastic experience.


I made guitarlized version Sandstorm by Darude. Check it out!


Here's a live video from my recent show in Pub Grönan, Hanko, FI.


Summer is now fully booked. Check out the gigs section for all the upcoming show.


I’m excited to announce my first ever solo shows in a beautiful land of Estonia. I’m gonna do two shows in Tallinn and the dates are 12.5. Fort Bar and 17.6. Barbar. See you there!


I was visiting the Taisto Guitars factory and filmed some demo clips using various different cool guitar models. This is me jamming some blues using an AROK TM Red.


Thank you Metalliluola and Kaaoszine for sharing news on my latest album:


I visited today the Radio Helsinki studios. I did a two hour interview with Markus Nordenstreng for a show called Kuusikielinen Taivas. The show will be aired today at 20:00 so tune in for some guitar chat and I also listed the biggest artists that has influenced me as a guitarist.

Olen tänään vieraana Radio Helsingin Kuusikielinen Taivas-ohjelmassa. Kuuntele show klo 20.


I'm happy to present you my new music video called Morning Light. The track is from my latest album Stormylized.


Tervetuloa levyjulkkarikeikalleni 1.4.2023 Oulun Voimala 1889:n klo 20:00. Liput voit ostaa ennakkoon täältä:


I'm happy to announce that Samuli Federley Band will be performing at Rock & Blues Music Festival in Prizren, Kosovo on 10.-11.6.2023.


Today is the official release date of my new album, Stormylized.

It includes 10 tracks and all the music and mixing is by Samuli Federley.

Mastering by Emil Pohjalainen.

Album art by Pauli Souka.

Photography by Ilari Hämäläinen.

Guest vocals on Broken To Complete by Nadin Zaqarian.

Buy here: